SignVote 2020 Logo

Promoting voter engagement excellence in Deaf America

For information on voting and elections in ASL and the latest information on SignVote events and programs, follow us on Instagram!

In the Fremont area? CDDA executive director, Dr. Brendan Stern, is coming to you next week to discuss all things American democracy and the 2024 elections. Check out the flyer for details, and contact if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ...

Today is election day! Be sure to check your local polls and VOTE!

Lastly, for any issues you may have when voting, contact:
ASL Hotline: 301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683)
Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)

#SignVote #DeafVoter #RockTheVote

Join Disability Rights of Texas on how to access local election information such as polling locations, information about the candidates, voting resources, and learn more about your disability rights as a voter. *Link In Bio*

#SignVote #DeafVoter

[ID: White and teal background with text "Live Webinar" "How to Access Election Information Online" "October 27th, 2021 at 1pm to 2pm with Molly Broadway, MSW Disability Right Texas" "Amanda Tuite" "Access Vine" with a join now button in pink. bottom left is the website ""]

Did you know that Congressional districts redrawn can determine who wins? Using your zip code you can see how your district has changed over decades! Check out this interactive map and let us know what you think?! *Link in Bio*

[ID: background is a USA map with text on top left "ACLU" and a black box in the middle with a tile "What The District" and a wording "For better or worse, the way congressional districts are drawn can be determined who wins the elections, which communities are represented, and what laws are passed. Explore how your own district has changed (sometimes dramatically) over time" blow the text is a white box where you enter your location]

#SignVote #RedistrictingReform

You know what`s scarier than ghouls and goblins this October? Gerrymandering!   
Every decade, each state draws new congressional maps, which impact our elections and control of Congress for the next 10 years.   
The last time this happened, parties aggressively drew maps to keep themselves in power. In short, they gerrymandered.  

To learn more, subscribe to SignVote:

#subscribe #SignVote #DeafVoters  
ID/VD:  Kriston Pumphrey (he/his) is a brown man with short dark hair combed to the side. He has a short salt and pepper beard and is wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Kriston is wearing glasses but takes them off at the beginning of the video.  SignVote logo in white is shown at the top left corner of the screen, and Kriston Pumphrey and SignVote in white text on blue and red backdrop is on the bottom right corner of the screen.   
After Kriston finishes signing, the screen shows an animated drawing of a voting ballot which then zooms to USA flag and text is “Your Vote is Your Future”.  Video ends with SignVote logo, and following text, “The Election in ASL”.

Don`t let the “p” word scare you! Learn more about what it means!

#SignVote #DeafVoters #WhenWeAllVote #CivicDuty #VoteLocal

Repost from @reallyrenca

I’m not really into politics but it also should not be ignored. Right now it’s off season midterm voting. Next year is the midterm voting. Honestly, I never voted for the midterm election cos I wasn’t really familiar with it as compared to the presidential election. It just didn’t seem important. Now, I realize its important because of this song: “My Vote Dont Count” by YelloPain (@yellopain ) . Full link here: (Transcript provided below)

Genuinely curious: do you vote during off season? Why or why not? Wanna vibe everyone out!! 🙂
@signvote #SignVote #DeafVoter #MidtermElection #OffSeason #reallyrenca #Curious #DoYouVote #Vote #Disability #YelloPain #Song

If you are at Gallaudet or will be in DC-Check out this panel discussion happening tomorrow! This will also be livestreamed! Hosted by The Center for Democracy in Deaf America! Be sure to follow @theofficialcdda

#SignVote #DeafVoters #DeafInDemocracy

[ID: A flyer with the Text “SAC Building 101” “Wed, Oct 13 from 12pm to 1pm ET. The event is titled “Redeeming the soul of our nation in non-Presidential election” there`s a text below “Hosted by the center for democracy in deaf America and sponsored by “Student body government, Black Student Union and SignVote” This event will be moderated by Romel Thurman which includes the picture of him. The 3-panelist including their pictures are “Latoya Plummer, Dr. Frances Marquez, and Aubrey Moorman”]

Help your friends and families be #VoteReady! Together, we can level up our voting engagement! Tag 3 of your friends below and let them know about this checklist! #whenWeAllVote

#SignVote #VoteReady #NationalVoterEducationWeek

[ID: Purple background with a text on top: “FRIDAY: #VoteReady” Below is a text on the left side “LEVEL UP YOUR VOTING ENGAGEMENT” with an arrow leading to the next text “Help 3 friends and/or family members complete this checklist! The right side of the 2nd text is a graphic of 3 hands open. In the bottom right corner is text “ Bottom right text: #NVEW2021. SignVote logo is on the top right corner.]

The smartest thing you could do for yourself is to be #ballotready. By looking up your ballot beforehand, you will get explanations that you can understand, rather than the complicated legal jargon that’ll be on your ballot.
Remember local elections are just as important as presidential elections!

#SignVote #VoteReady #NationalVoterEducationWeek

[ID: Red background with a text on the top middle that says “THURSDAY: #BallotReady. Below is a graphic of a checklist on the left side. On right side is a text: “CHECK WHATS ON YOUR BALLOT” it has an arrow leading to the next text: Your ballot isnt a pop quiz—decide who and what you are voting for ahead of time! Don’t have an election coming up? Check to see when your next one is-Local elections have BIG impacts!” In the bottom right corner is text “ Bottom right text: #NVEW2021 with signvote logo next to the text.]

Happy Wednesday! Todays the perfect day to plan your vote. Think thoroughly of where, when and how you can make it happen. Why? Because your vote matters! #WhenWeAllVote

#SignVote #VoteReady #NationalVoterEducationWeek #VotePlanReady

[ID: Teal background with text: Wednesday: #VotePlanReady. Theres another text below that says “Dont wing it—Make a voting plan." "Think throughly how you are going to vote and what you need to make that happen." Theres a graphic of a ballot in middle right side. In the bottom right corner is text “". Bottom right text: #NVEW2021 with signvote logo next to it]

This week is National Voter Registration Week! Do you want to see more of your community members registered to vote? Participate in this event hosted by When We All Vote! @whenweallvote @michelleobama Live captioning provided.

P.S. We’re always on the lookout for political events that are accessible — if you, your community or organization is hosting an event that is accessible please let us know! We love an inclusive event!

#WhenWeAllVote #SignVote #DeafVoters

This past year alone, 389 bills in 48 states have been introduced to restrict voters` rights - disproportionately impacting those of us that live at the intersections of disability and marginalized racial identities.

What’s happening in your state?

#SignVote #DisabilityVote #WhenWeAllVote #NDVRW #REVUP #CripTheVote

ID: Kriston Pumphrey is a brown man with short dark hair combed to the side. He has short salt and pepper beard and is wearing an open light jean button shirt over a yellow sweater with cuffs 3/4 rolled up.

SignVote has a message for you! Election season is upon us. There’s plenty happening at the state and local level that can and will impact many of us.

#SignVote #DisabilityVote #WhenWeAllVote #NDVRW #REVUP #CripTheVote

Image Description: Kriston Pumphrey is a brown man with short dark hair combed to the side. He has short salt and pepper beard and is wearing a salmon shirt with SignVote logo on it. Kris wears sunglasses and then takes it off at the 0:09.

*Transcript provided in the comments section*

We’re baaaaacck! That`s right, we ain’t going anywhere. First thing first, did you know that this week is National Disability Voter Registration Week?? Double check to make sure you’re registered!

#SignVote #DisabilityVote #NDVRW #REVUP #CripTheVote #WhenWeAllVote

Image Description: Kriston Pumphrey is a brown man with short dark hair combed to the side. He has short salt and pepper beard and is wearing a salmon shirt with SignVote logo on it. Kris wears sunglasses.

Transcript: HEY! Yes, SignVote is back.

Enjoy this story, “If I Ran for President” which Leila Hanaumi signed to the students of KDES.

Share this with a kid you know!

#IfIRanforPresident #PresidentDay2021 #SignVote

It’s official! Kamala Harris has a sign name now, created within Black and Indian Deaf communities.🙌

#Repost • @lifethrulensoflele