Announcing SignVote 2020
It’s time to start talking about the 2020 election… in ASL! Introducing SignVote, a nonpartisan platform for accessible content on the #2020election.
Hey you! Yes, you! Are you a Republican, Democrat or Independent? It doesn’t matter. Are you ready to vote? I get it. The 2020 election is overwhelming for me too. But, it’s not you. The problem is that conversations about the election aren’t accessible in ASL. Let me show you…
(B-roll of examples of inaccessible media)
See? Most content is not accessible in ASL. But you know what? The term “Disability” is showing up more and more in politics.
(B-roll of politicians posting about disability issues)
Voting is so important. And it’s not just Presidential election, your state and municipal elections are important too. It’s time for all of us who identify as deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, hard of hearing or late-deafened to join the conversation and talk about this in ASL.
(SignVote animation)
This is SignVote! Accessible content on the 2020 election in ASL! Everything from hot moments to national issues to information about the candidates and their platforms will be brought to you in one place, in ASL! Remember back in 2016 when DPAN had ASL interpreters cover the live presidential debate?
(B-roll of D-PAN TV’s coverage of the 2016 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton)
Or more recently, how deaf news outlets are covering politics more frequently?
(B-roll of deaf news outlets, The Daily Moth and Sign1 News covering politics)
It’s awesome, right? But I’m not satisfied. We want more content, right? And you know where you can find more? At! You just need to do two simple things: follow us on social media and subscribe to receive emails. Sound good? Are you ready to vote?!
By the way, SignVote is nonpartisan. We’re committed to sharing accurate and unbiased information in ASL for you to share. SignVote is coordinated by Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD).