Vee-Vee the Latest SignVote News
October 2nd, 2020
In this week’s round-up we cover stories from the Detroit Disability Power, the Deaf Poor People’s Campaign, The Daily Moth, and more!
In the first episode of the SignVote Series: Election 2020, we break down the government branches, “separation of powers,” and more!
The first and only Vice Presidential debate was held on Wednesday, both DPAN.TV and Sign1News provided live interpretation of the event. You can watch The Daily Moth’s recap below.
This week, Joseph Lewis of The Daily Moth, covered:
The Center for Democracy in Deaf America and Gallaudet hosted a panel discussion on the Trump-Biden debate, and the VP nominees.
The Deaf Poor People’s Campaign is hosting a Voter Engagement Training in ASL tomorrow from 4:00-6:00 EST.